Coastal Cordillera, Chile. Bedrock sampling in vertical transect for (U/Th)-He dating.
Cerro Carrasco, Northern Chile. Looking down to Salar Grande Fault.

Cerro Carrasco Front Range, Northern Chile. Dating Alluvial Deposits using IRSL method.

Cerro Carrasco, Northern Chile. Field assistant Emma Heitmann walking on alluvial fans near Salar Grande Fault.

Aotearoa, New Zealand. Fault contact between bedrock and fluvial deposits.

Aotearoa, New Zealand. Geoscapes Research Group!

Salar Grande Basin, Northern Chile. My first IRSL sample!

Picking apatites for (U-Th)/He dating at the CUTRaIL Lab, CU Boulder.

Preparing IRSL samples at the Luminescence Lab from USGS Facilities, Lakewood, CO.